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What Does Independent Mean

What Does Independent Mean?

Understanding Independence

Definition of Independent

The term "independent" encompasses various meanings, all centering around the concept of freedom from external control or influence. It can refer to individuals, entities, or situations that are:

  • Not subject to control by others
  • Not affiliated with a larger controlling unit
  • Not influenced or controlled in any way by other people, events, or things

When someone is independent, they do not rely on help or money from others. For instance, Phil became more independent of his parents as he grew older.

Characteristics of Independence

Independent individuals possess certain characteristics, including:

  • Self-reliance
  • Freedom from external control
  • Ability to make own decisions
  • Confidence in oneself
  • Responsibility for one's actions

They are not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, or lifestyle.

Etymology and Usage

The word "independent" originates from the Latin word "dependere," meaning "to hang down." This etymology suggests that being independent means not hanging on to or relying on others.

In everyday usage, the term "independent" is often used in various contexts, such as:

  • Independent living (for elderly or disabled individuals)
  • Independent businesses (not owned by or affiliated with larger corporations)
  • Independent contractors (self-employed individuals providing services)


Independence is a valuable trait that empowers individuals to chart their own course in life. It fosters self-reliance, confidence, and a sense of control over one's destiny. By embracing independence, we can liberate ourselves from external influences and forge our own unique path.
